dívčí pěvecký sbor
The Greenwich Academy Madrigal Singers
Rabasova galerie v Rakovníku
Heroldova síň
26. června 1998 v 19.30 h

Farmer (c. 1565–1605) – Fair Phyllis I Saw
Weelkes (1575–1602) – The Nightingale
Morley (1557–1602) – Now Is The Month of Maying, Sing We and Chant It
Vautor (c. 1619) – Mother, I Will Have a Husband
Passereau (c. 1485–1548) – Il est bel et bon
Certon (c. 1500–1572) – Je ne lose dire
Monteverdi (1567–1643) – Angelus Ad Pastores

J. S. Bach (1685–1750) – Bist du bei mir, Duet from Cantata 78 „Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten“

Klasicismus a romantismus
Cherubini (1760–1842) – Like as a Father
Schubert (1797–1828) – Heilig, Heilig, Heilig
Mendelssohn – Lift Thine Eyes, Laudate Pueri
Faure (1845–1924) – Tantum Ergo
Dvořák (1841–1904) – Moravian Duets (Op. 32, Nos. 1–4) (1. Flow Danube, Ebb an Flow, 2. Fly, Oh Little Bird, 3. If the Sickle Blade Were Sharpened, 4. Will We Smile in Parting)
Brahms (1833–1897) – Die Schwestern (Op. 61, No. 1), Lied von Shakespeare (Op. 17, No. 2), Der Gartner (Op. 17, No. 3)
Swedish, arr. Vene – Sorrow of Love

Dvacáté století
Poulenc (1899–1963) – Petites Voiz
Randall Thompson (1889–1984) – Pueri Hebraeorum, Choose Something Like A Star
Copland (1900–1990) – Simple Gifts, Ching A Ring Chaw
arr. Kubik (c. 1949) – O Dear, What Can the Matter Be
Gershwin (1898–1937) – Clap Yo Hands, Someone to Watch Over Me
John Rutter – The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Hawkins, arr. Sirvatka – Im Goin Up a Yonder
spiritual, arr. Dawson – Evry Time I Feel the Spirit, There Is A Balm in Gilead
Irish folk song, arr. Weatherly – Danny Boy
Billy Joel, arr. Shaw – And So It Goes
McBroom, arr. Knowles – Shoo-Shoo Baby, The Rose

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